‘Faye qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2009 and has since been working in busy practices around Norfolk and gained her European School of Veterinary Post Graduate Studies General Practitioners Certificate in Exotic Animal Practice in 2012 and becoming a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Recognised Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine in 2017. She opened Toll Barn Veterinary Centre in January 2014 and has a keen interest in medicine and surgery of all species including exotics. Outside of work Faye enjoys looking after her many animals and playing the organ at her local church.’

Exotics or NTCAs: What should you call the ‘weird’ pets?
You may have heard us mention these types of animals on Veterinary Ramblings before: they include hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and many other small furry friends – often called ‘exotic’.
But why do we call them exotic? Is this term really accurate? And what does it mean for owners of these animals?