Born in Malaga, Spain, Francisco qualified in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Córdoba. Initially, he travelled to the UK for 6 months, however, that turned into 15 years (and counting)! He has been a Veterinary Surgeon at Lawrence Veterinary Centre since 2007, with a short break in between whilst living in Norfolk and a couple of years as a locum. He completed his Certificate in ‘Advanced Veterinary Practice’ in 2013 and has a passion for all surgery, especially ophthalmology cases. In January 2018, he was appointed a Clinical Director at Lawrence Veterinary Clinic.
Outside of work, he is always looking for new hobbies, particularly if they involve computers and the internet! During the pandemic, he learned programming and developed an app called Vetd0se to help people calculate premed dosages. Last year, he started More Than Just A Vet Podcast, in which he seeks to show everyone, not just vets, what the lives, struggles, and passions of veterinary professionals are.

Exotics or NTCAs: What should you call the ‘weird’ pets?
You may have heard us mention these types of animals on Veterinary Ramblings before: they include hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and many other small furry friends – often called ‘exotic’.
But why do we call them exotic? Is this term really accurate? And what does it mean for owners of these animals?