Dr Russell Chandler

Russell graduated from the University of Bristol Veterinary School. He has gained thefollowing post-graduate qualifications: RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Orthopaedics, MScin Orthopaedic Engineering and RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Orthopaedics. Russell spent four years working in Hong Kong where he established the territory’s firstorthopaedic- and spinal surgery service. He then started Alphavet Veterinary […]
Dr Mike Davies

Mike Davies graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London in 1976. He ownedhis own veterinary practice for more than 11 years and has worked in academia (Veterinary Schoolsat the Universities of London and Nottingham) and in the industry (Pet food and pharmaceuticalcompanies). Mike has postgraduate Certificates in Veterinary Radiology and Small Animal Orthopaedics […]