Dr. Graeme Eckford



Dr. Graeme Eckford MRCVS qualified from the University of Liverpool in 2005. Following an internship at the University of Edinburgh, he worked at the PDSA in Edinburgh for six years. Graeme joined the Inglis team in August 2012 and is based at Dunfermline hospital.

Out of work he is involved with The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) promoting excellence in small animal practice through education and science, and is Chair of the Congress Committee responsible for delivering a cutting edge programme of over 350 lectures and practical sessions at the Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham city centre over four days each year. In his spare time Graeme enjoys spending time with his wife Roslyn, cat Charlie and his camera. Cycling is also a great passion for Graeme and recently along with Roslyn he successfully completed a charity cycle ride from London to Paris in aid of the British Heart Foundation.

He’s also a whiskey connoisseur and was kind enough to be our first ever guest on Veterinary Ramblings!

Useful Links


Exotics or NTCAs: What should you call the ‘weird’ pets?

You may have heard us mention these types of animals on Veterinary Ramblings before: they include hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and many other small furry friends – often called ‘exotic’.

But why do we call them exotic? Is this term really accurate? And what does it mean for owners of these animals?

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