Episode 111: Jungle Adventure Of A New Grad Vet With Jamil Dowling

In this episode, Jamil Dowling, a veterinary graduate who previously joined the hosts as a student, returns to share his extraordinary journey post-graduation. Starting with his unconventional entrance into vet school, Jamil discusses his recent experiences working in various countries, including Bolivia, the US, Mexico, and plans for Australia. He reflects on the valuable lessons […]
Dr. Jamil Dowling

After leaving the UK with his mother as a child, Jamil grew up in the jungles of South America with many different peoples, cultures and animals – becoming very well travelled at a young age. An unconventional student of life, he completed all of his GCSEs, A levels and placements in 6 months to get […]
Forging Your Own Path With Jamil Dowling

This week our guest is Jamil Dowling! Joining us from Armenia, Jamil talks us through his unique childhood growing up in the jungles of South America, fighting crocodiles and befriending baby animals, before living on a nature reserve with his mother in Spain. A student of life, we discuss his unusual education, from taking his […]