Bill Lambert has owned Bull Terriers since childhood and started breeding them more than 35 years ago. The breed is one of his biggest passions, and some of his dogs have become well known not only in the UK but also overseas, winning many top awards including Best of Breed at Crufts on three occasions.
Bill is also a recognised authority on the breed and is an International Judge, having officiated at Crufts as well as in more than a dozen countries around the world. He has served on many committees, served as vice-chairman of the Bull Terrier Club and wrote a weekly column in the Dog World newspaper for a number of years.
He has worked for the Kennel Club for 16 years, staying loyal to the health and welfare team. He started as a Breeder Advisor to the Accredited Breeder Scheme, later worked as a Senior Health and Breeder Services Manager and recently became Health, Welfare and Breeder Services Executive. He has also been The Kennel Club’s spokesman for many years.

Exotics or NTCAs: What should you call the ‘weird’ pets?
You may have heard us mention these types of animals on Veterinary Ramblings before: they include hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and many other small furry friends – often called ‘exotic’.
But why do we call them exotic? Is this term really accurate? And what does it mean for owners of these animals?